October 4, 2014
Bass & Mandolin is heard in New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts
Edgar Meyer and Chris Thile’s Bass & Mandolin tour heads toward the mid-Atlantic states with concerts in Princeton (October 9) and Troy, NY (October 10). The duo reaches Manhattan with a performance at New York’s Town Hall (October 11) before heading for New England with a concert in Cambridge (October 12) given as part of the Celebrity Series of Boston.
Reviewing Edgar and Thile’s September 19 concert, Peghead Nation noted, “Edgar Meyer’s bass playing is a joy to behold. Far from simply holding down the beat and the bottom end, he often played flowing, cello- or violin-like countermelodies and harmonic lines (‘Friday’), or stated the main theme or melody of a piece while Thile provided a rhythmic foundation with syncopated chops (‘Monkey Actually’). When Meyer burst forth with flourishes of lightning-fast bowed runs…he left many in the audience gasping in appreciation.”